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Microsoft Azure to lead Cloud Computing in 2021

January 15, 2021

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During the pandemic, workspaces became decentralized. Technology needs of Businesses have rapidly increased in complexity over the past year. At Intelegain, we’ve experienced an increased Cloud IT spending up 25% in the last 8 months, Azure clocking the greater percentage.

In 2021, the cloud will fuel how companies align with the unstable yet new normal. For instance, it’s uncertain how long we will need to work from home, which means companies need to ingest adaptiveness, responsiveness, and agility to their enterprises. For the same reason, Microsoft Azure’s popularity is ranking higher with their flexible and open cloud platform configuration.

“According to Forrester Research, Public Cloud Infrastructure is expected to grow 35% to $120 billion in 2021”

Cloud Tech Demand

The tech demand is expected to increase, accrediting their serverless design. For instance, before the pandemic, 20% of the developers were using serverless functions and containers for modernizing their apps and creating new ones. By the end of 2021, 25% of developers will dwell into serverless functions, while containers will be used by 30% of developers. As a result, the demand for development platforms for containers and serverless functions will increase with Microsoft Azure expected to lead the way.

Why Microsoft Azure in 2021 ?

Microsoft Azure serves as the data storage, development, service management, and hosting environment. Along with their ability to provide the storage for hosting, managing, and scaling web apps, they offer on-demand computing services.

Why Azure wins over cloud computing platforms lies in the net compatibility, PaaS capacity, gentle learning curve, and integrated environment.

Microsoft Azure is the collection of various services from Microsoft (it’s a tech buffet), and it’s famous as the software-as-a-service footprint. Azure being the backbone for Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 drive the force of cloud computing for businesses.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella “Cloud computing units are amidst the digital transformation; they have watched two years of digital transformation happening in two months” accrediting the pandemic and lockdown, which is only going to increment cloud computing.

That’s to say, because 2021 is going to be an equally tough year, and Microsoft has made impeccable changes in its infrastructure to ensure its cloud computing standards from Microsoft Azure stays ahead for small businesses and large enterprises. It’s safe to say that Azure has an incumbent role as the cloud computing service provider, and their ability to plug into Salesforce, Oracle, Adobe, and SAP makes a great edge.

Above all, Azure has the capacity to pair the cloud unit with Microsoft 365, along with the hybrid deployments. As a result, they can curate the private cloud as well as the hybrid cloud!

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