Membership Management Software for Unions

Membership Management Software for Unions

Intelegain’s cloud-based membership management system allows nonprofits and membership-driven organizations to manage, communicate with and grow their union’s membership.

Using the application, users can manage updates, events, postings, and directories from all portable devices.

Among the prominent features, users can also manage the following;

  • Control and secure your unions’ finances with a top of the line reporting system.
  • Give your accounting department full visibility and access to all important membership information and control each user’s access with customized roles.
  • Keep updated files of all members present and past without the headache of having on-premise databases.
  • Track members career training and know which members are taking the needed training to keep the current on policies and regulations.
  • Track member benefits and relevant family members who receive pension care. Keep current Legal issue and any arbitration cases that a member has on file.

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