The cloud occupies the center stage of every tech-based organization. It comes as no surprise that cloud-based systems have led to an increased demand for business intelligence and mobility. Turns out that cloud deployment is not all it has been hyped for. This brings us to the question – What’s next after Cloud Deployment? The future of the enterprises is predicted to be dependent on a hybrid model that offers a seamless division of applications, services and information between the cloud and the fog. Fog Computing is going to be the next big thing.
This will strike a balance between user’s needs and technology offering a seamless experience to the customers. The post-deployment strategies will collect data to ensure a quicker and secure platform for engagement. This means that intelligent post-deployment strategies will help eliminate shadow IT by prioritizing network intelligence. Let us know about the origins of Fog Computing.
Fog Computing is a term given by Cisco that refers to the extension of cloud computing to the edge of an enterprise’s network. This is the newest model that works similar to that of cloud but it is one step ahead of cloud computing. It facilitates wireless data transfer to distributed devices within the network paradigm. Just like cloud, it stores data, computes it and provides application services end-users. What makes Fog Computing unique is its support to mobility and its dense geographical distribution.
Why is Fog Computing the next big thing?
The proximity to end-users is what makes Fog one step ahead of Cloud Computing. The services in case of Fog Computing can even be hosted at end devices such as access points or set-top boxes in addition to network edges. This makes Fog computing more reliable and faster than cloud. By doing so, Fog computing improves QoS. It also reduces service latency to offer superior user experience. Fog Computing is pretty advanced in supporting applications that demand real-time latency. This happens because Fog paradigm is well positioned to facilitate real-time analytics. As a result, Fog lends support to the advanced Internet of Everything (IoT) applications that require predictable latency.
“Fog Computing facilitates wireless data transfer to distributed devices within the network paradigm”
The wide geographical distribution of Fog paradigm is of immense help in supporting IoT applications that are used in industrial automation and transportation as well as a network of sensors and actuators. This way, Fog adds a fourth axis to the Big Data dimension with its densely distributed data collection points.
Fog consumes less amount of bandwidth as compared to cloud. It significantly reduces data movement across widely distributed networks which further reduces congestion. This, in turn, reduces cost and latency. The improved security of encryption is another big advantage of Fog Computing. The encrypted data stays close to the end user which means less exposure to the hostile environment. Fog Computing provides a high degree of reliability and scalability with fault tolerance, all of which is not possible in case of less advanced Cloud Computing. So in nutshell, Fog performs better than Cloud Computing leaving no room for error. It efficiently meets the demands of emerging paradigms ad plays a crucial role in IoT applications.