Phonegap Development

Want to develop your app for iOS, Android and Windows? Worried about the time and cost incurred for three separate platforms? An obvious solution can be to go for PhoneGap. Wondering how? Let us help you.

PhoneGap is an excellent framework for cross-platform or hybrid mobile app development. By using the standard web technologies like Java, CSS3 and HTML5, PhoneGap is the perfect solution for application development on multiple platforms and devices with the same code base. This open-source development framework allows to update and use the existing code, rather than starting from scratch for each development platform.

Why PhoneGap?

PhoneGap eliminates the dependence on platform-specific APIs separately for iOS, Windows and Android mobile devices. It provides a SandBox that facilitates the wrapping up of HTML, CSS and Javascript code depending upon the platform. The software underlying PhoneGap is Apache Cordova.

PhoneGap Plugins

Apache Cordova (PhoneGap Software) allows the developers to access the native device functionality like camera or accelerometer with JavaScript. Cordova can be used as a set of consistent JavaScript libraries that can be called upon with the help of device-specific native backing code.

More from our PhoneGap experts at Intelegain…

  • Save a lot of your time and money
  • Bridge the market gap between your business and global customer-reach
  • Facilitates Customization in all respects
  • Integration services for access to your strategic business info
  • Build once, Develop and Deploy for all

Get in touch with us today for availing the services for your next cross-platform project. We have offices in New York, Dallas & India.

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